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The music that I make is a World fusion style, which much like my nomadic musical life combines a variety of genres into one soulful vibe.
Bay Area
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The music that I make is a World fusion style, which much like my nomadic musical life combines a variety of genres into one soulful vibe.
Bay Area
Additional Information
“So a little bit about me...”
My full name is Tsedal Tesfahun. I know, it can feel like a mouthful for most (roll call/attendance was the part of school that i dreaded most...) but my mama bequeathed me with this honor, so let&aposs all go ahead and put some &aposrespeck&apos on it. It has such a powerful meaning &quotGlorious Light of God Be Hope&quot. However, you can just call me by my nickname, Tsedi. The ‘Ts’ is semi-silent like Tsunami and it kind of feels like you are imitating the sound of a Hi-hat.
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