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2:32pm - Jul 8 2022
Alexandre Pilo - IZABEL
This video is my greeting to my friend, a genial composer and arranger Alexandre Piló for his 67-th birthday. The piece IZABEL has a nice story. Here it is as it was told by the author:
&quotI got the inspiration for this song one night, and I thought it would be interesting to dedicate it to someone... The next day, very early in the morning, I got a call from D.Izabel (a great friend, teacher and mother of one of my students), telling me that the night before she had dreamed of my father and that, in the dream, he promised to dedicate one of his songs to her...&quot.
Happy birthday dear friend Alexandre!!!

#AlexandrePilo #Izabel #AndreyShilov #guitar #LatinamericanGuitarMusic #classicalguitar #GuitarVirtuosos #UkrainianGuitarists #BrazilianGuitarMusic
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