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12:56pm - Jul 24 2022
A.Jobim &amp L.Bonfá - A CHUVA CAÍU (Toada), arr. Byron Fogo
A CHUVA CAÍU – Toada, one of the few songs composed by Luiz Bonfá and Tom Jobim together. This is another piece which I’ve recorded for the 75-th birthday of my friend, a great arranger Byron Fogo. The title means THE RAIN FELL.
You might enjoy this story. It took place around 1953:

&quotOnce I was fishing in Arpoador, at the time I recorded De Cigarro em Cigarro, which Nora Ney recorded, when it started to get dark. It was time for the enxova (snake mackerel) and I had no bait. That&aposs when I saw a very white guy, with a galhudo (dogfish) on his side, and a galhudo is the best bait in the world for enxova. I approached and started to ingratiate myself that if I took a piece of the galhudo, I could get an enxova. He was very reluctant, but I won and knife in hand took a fillet of the fish. That day it didn&apost hit big. When he was about to leave, I asked his name. “I am Antonio Carlos Jobim” he replied. “I am Bonfá.” “You&aposre kidding” - he was startled - “I heard De Cigarro em Cigarro. I thought it was wonderful.” That&aposs how our friendship began, the coexistence of fishermen. The other day he recalled the case and commented that I tore his galhudo apart. Well, from this friendship was born Velhibho de Barbinha Branca and A Chuva Caiu, but later we separated in terms of composition, each one making his own way.&quot
Happy birthday my friend Byron!

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