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8:05pm - Jul 3 2021
Alexandre Pilo - Estudo Classico
Today the great Brazilian composer, transcriber and arranger, good friend of mine Alexandre Piló celebrates his 66-th Birthday. I wish him a very strong health, joy and happiness, peace and constant inspiration for creating many more beautiful compositions! Here is my birthday video greeting to maestro Piló. This is one of his beautiful Studies - ESTUDO CLÁSSICO which he dedicated to me and for which I am happy and grateful. More pieces and Etudes by Alexandre Piló you may watch here:

Happy birthday Alexandre!!!

#AlexandrePilo #AndreyShilov #EstudoClassico #classicalguitar #guitar #BrazilianGuitarMusic #LatinamericanGuitarMusic #UkrainianGuitarists #Etudes #GuitarVirtuosos #rare
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