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10:30am - Sep 1 2022
Joaquin Rodrigo - EL LOS TRIGALES
&quotEN LOS TRIGALES&quot by Joaquin Rodrigo, a piece by one of my favorite composers, dedicated to Narciso Yepes. I managed to record this beautiful piece between the air raids that come every 20-30 minutes. Video editing was also interrupted several times by sirens. Just now, Ruzzian f@scists are destroying my country, killing our people and children, bombing houses, schools and hospitals. Burn in hell you cursed invaders!!! Glory to Ukraine!!!

#JoaquinRodrigo #AndreyShilov #EnLosTrigales #classicalguitar #guitar #SpanishGuitarMusic #UkrainianGuitarists #GuitarVirtuosos #rare #PorLosCamposDeEspana #CeciliaRodrigo #NarcisoYepes
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